The developments in Syria are being monitored with concern in our country and around the world.
For some time now, there has been a propaganda that has nothing to do with the facts that the Alevis living in Syria are different from other Alevi communities in the world.
Alevism is an interpretation of Islam that follows the path of “HAK, MUHAMMAD, ALI”. Living in a vast geography stretching from Central Asia to the borders of Western Europe, Alevis come from many different ethnic origins.
What unites them is not nationalism or racism, but their universal beliefs.
Although Alevi communities are known by different local names, the Alevi faith does not discriminate between race, language or colour, with the understanding that “the path is one, the continuum is one thousand and one”.
Alevis in Syria are brothers and sisters in faith to Alevis all over the world.
The Alevi communities, who are travellers of the same path and inhabitants of the same world, will continue to love all human beings with the consciousness of the unity of the universe “TEVHID” and to defend that all created beings have equal and equal rights with the principle of “WE LOVE THE CREATED, BECAUSE OF THE CREATOR”, even if the places where they live, their languages and races are different.
The allegations aimed at showing our Alawite brothers and sisters in Syria as if they are separate from the world Alawite communities are baseless. We sincerely wish for the establishment of an environment of peace and democracy in Syria where Alevis and all local communities can continue their existence in peace and freedom.
We strongly announce to our public opinion.
ADO Alevi Philosophy Centre Association